Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Yuppie Ice Cream Sundae

Nick and I often quiz each other on random factoids about ourselves, so that if in the event we spontaneously find ourselves on The Newlywed Game, we'll be totally prepared. The other day we made sure we could describe each other's overall favorite desserts. This was mine.

I only began experiencing this amazing combo very recently, in trendy Italian restaurants, but I don't think I'll encounter a better ice cream sundae combination than this. I know it sounds unconventional and potentially questionable to add oil on top of ice cream, but if you are like me and 1) like simple and good ice cream flavors and 2) prefer savory treats over sweets, then you must try it. The fruitiness of a good thick olive oil will coat your tongue while the ice cream melts in your mouth and the big flakes of sea salt will add a surprising flavor contrast whenever you scoop one up. You can get this with panna gelato in a big puddle of olive oil at Beretta or get the soft-serve version on Zero Zero's build-your-own-dessert menu (with a very generous serving of bacon brittle for an extra 50¢). I haven't tried this at home yet, but I plan to this summer when it's time to bust out our ice cream maker.

| Art Credit: Me. |

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