Monday, December 20, 2010

The Yuppie Gift Guide, Day 12: Gift Cards

In the end, no one knows better what your recipients want that the recipients themselves. And while gift cards might seem awkward or unoriginal, they can also be incredibly practical. A friend who enjoys their usual at Starbucks every day is going to appreciate if even just one drink is on you. At Whole Foods, gift cards with food puns like "thyme to celebrate" and "hugs and quiches" won't just make someone smile but they are sure to get used up, since everyone needs groceries at some point. (Plus, for every gift card purchased online this month, Whole Foods is donating $1 to the No Kid Hungry Campaign). Just stay away from cards that are confusing for cashiers or have monthly maintenance fees, like those shady Visa gift cards.

To be a little more original about it, all you have to do is stick the gift card in a little handmade card or envelope. The added value of something cute and handmade makes the gift a great one no matter what value you put on the gift card.

Here is a little photo tutorial for an origami envelope. I used a standard 15 cm (about 5.9 in.) origami paper square, but anything about 5 inches or greater will hold a standard gift card.


Mlle T said...

Great idea with the envelope! Also, loving the cocktail ring.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand step 7. Could someone please explain to me how to do step 7?

Lily said...

@Anonymous: This is definitely the trickiest step and the best way I can explain it is this: In Step 6, you used squash folds to create a section on the bottom flap that is shaped like a house, with little pockets under each side (where the tip of my index finger is in the photo). In Step 7, you fold the bottom flap up and tuck in the house-shaped part so it is on the very inside of the envelope. Another way of thinking about it is that you are tucking the side flaps into the pockets you created in Step 6. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Your guidelines for Gift card is very helpful....i like it...
Gift Card Printing
Plastic Card

christine said...

Where is this paper from? Its so beautiful and I want to buy it!!!! :)

Ryan Duran said...

I love that you can make even something like a gift card feel more personal with some handmade touches.

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